Provoking Thoughts

"Consider your ways..." - Hag 1:7

Volume 3 No. 1

Tuesday, February 11, 1997


What Do You Think of the Gospel?

Preparing the Soil

Spurgeon on Repentance

The Great Escape

This One Was NOT a Carnal Christian

Hudson Taylor on the Lordship of Christ

Camp Dates!

How to contact us

What Do You Think of the Gospel?

Everyone has a standard by which they judge every thought or idea that they are confronted with. People who claim to be "Bible Believers" are no exception - in fact they are the world's worst. It is hard to avoid doing this, but it is a very dangerous practice for a Christian. The fact is that many are taught to do this very thing. You judge new thoughts or ideas by what you already hold to be true, and there is no allowance for the possibility that you might be wrong on some of your "basics." All that call themselves "Christians" basically agree on the fact that Jesus is the Son of God, but on the subject of salvation and what it means, there are many "opinions" these days. Your opinion depends on what kind of background, experiences, and pre-determined ideas you use as a filter to process new thoughts or ideas that are presented to you. "But I judge everything according to the Bible!" you say. If that is true you should have no trouble when what you believe is called into question, because you are on a firm foundation. So the question is: What do YOU think of the Gospel?

It basically boils down to two opinions. Either you believe that salvation is simply practicing religion or you believe that it is real deliverance from sin and it's dominion. It is really that simple. What is the message you give to other people as you try to witness or preach? Do you tell them of a Christ that overcame sin, death, and the world, and expects us to do the same in his name and by his power? Or do you tell them about a religion that leaves a person fighting a daily battle with sin that he ALWAYS loses? You can't have it both ways. You can't say Christ delivers us and then turn around and tell people who are saved that "if they say they have no sin, they are a liar." You can't tell them that "sin shall no longer have dominion over you," and then tell them that they MUST, and WILL sin every day in thought, word, and deed. You can't tell people there is hope and then turn around and tell them that there is none. The very same text that is being used to justify and comfort sinners in the church who call themselves Christians says this in the very next verse: "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from ALL unrighteousness." (1 John 1:9) Now, either He DOES or He DOESN'T. You must make up your mind and take a stand! When you do, we'll know exactly what you think of the Gospel?

Is what you believe based on the Word of God? Or is it based on what you have experienced since your "conversion?" There's a good chance that it is based on what you have seen in the lives of others who claim to be Christians. If you are hard pressed, you cannot defend your conception of salvation and what it does for a man with the Bible, because what you believe is based on experience rather than the Word of God.

When a person gets saved, is he cleansed from all his sins? Is he made a new creature? Is he no longer under the dominion of sin? Does he practice sin or holiness as his normal lifestyle? Of course, all who are the least familiar with the Bible will recognize that all these things are laid out clearly in the Bible. But if you'll go to just about any Baptist Church (or any other kind, for that matter) you'll hear another message being presented. The life of the believer is clearly presented as one of struggling against sin, with the battle inevitably being lost daily. You'll hear that anyone who claims to have victory over sin, even for a day, or an hour, is a liar and a hypocrite based on 1 John 1:8. Instead of preaching a Gospel that might give some hope to a poor lost sinner seeking for help and refuge in God, it completely takes away any hope he might have for anything better than his wretched, miserable life of sin. He is in bondage to his sin and knows it, but what is being offered is just continued bondage. Do you honestly think that is the Gospel? Can you imagine Jesus meeting the maniac of Gadera and saying to him, "I'm going to save you, but you must realize that tomorrow you'll likely be back here in the tombs again. Don't expect anything better than what you have right now for this life, because all men are sinners, you know, whether they're saved or lost. Just rejoice in the fact that one day you will go to heaven, and until then you will not be able to please God, or obey his commandments, and if you try the best of it will be stinking rags in God's sight." Thank the Lord, that is not the way it happened, but many are claiming just such an experience as salvation, and staking their eternity on it. That is nothing but vain religion. No wonder they don't ever have victory in their lives, and no wonder almost none of them stick with it very long. No wonder when they hear from the pulpit such nonsense as, "You can't tell a saved man and lost man apart most of the time," or "The only difference between the saved and the lost is that the saved are forgiven and the lost are not." How does this one strike you? "I'm still a sinner, just a saved sinner." Your answer shows what you really think of the Gospel.

How awful to be a lost sinner in our day! If I were lost and seeking for the Truth I would be very hard pressed to find it in the churches. Few and far between are the churches that preach the old fashioned Gospel that has the power to bring new life and deliverance from a sinful life. The modern message is very simple: "O, wretched man that I am! Who shall deliver me from this body of death?" "I am carnal, sold under sin." That is the normal, expected, and respectable Christian life in the minds of most of today's so-called Christians. Funny how Charles Wesley had such a different idea of what salvation meant. In the hymn "And Can It Be?" he wrote:

Long my imprisoned spirit lay,

Fast bound in sin and nature's night;

Thine eye diffused a quickening ray,

I woke, the dungeon flamed with light;

My chains fell off, my heart was free,

I rose, went forth, and followed Thee.

It is very hard to see how someone can read the Bible and then think of the Gospel as a message of continued despair and hopelessness against sin in this life. It is hard to understand how a person can read the Bible and experience salvation from sin and condemnation, being born again of the Spirit of God, and then have for his life's motto: "For the good that I would I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do." (Romans 7:19) How can a person cling to that as the normal Christian walk and expect no more than to be overcome daily by temptation and sin, when the same Bible tells us that: "...God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it. (1 Cor 10:13) How can a person who claims to believe the Bible read the commands of God and then say he CAN'T obey them. That is accusing God of being unjust, for He commands us to do something that we are not able to do. How about this Scripture? He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him. (1 John 2:4) You can't get much plainer than that. The person who lives a habitual life of disobedience to God does not know God or love God.

On the other hand, if a person were to look at those around him and judge the Truth from that standpoint, it would be easy to understand how they could come to such a conclusion. People look at the hypocrites in the church and decide that if the majority in the church live such a life, then that must be the way it really is, because the majority couldn't be wrong. It doesn't matter that the Bible tells us something different. What they do is simply come up with a different interpretation of the Scripture that accommodates this type of people in God's fold - 1 John 1:8, for example.

As always, let us state for the record that we are not preaching the 'sinless perfection" doctrine that many like to use as a spear to throw in defense of their "sinful permissiveness" doctrines. We are not saying that it is impossible for a Christian to sin, but we are saying that a true Christian cannot live in habitual sin. A sinner practices sin, and occasionally does some good work. A Christian practices good works and holiness and sin is the exception - not the rule of his life. We are saying that the Gospel is not the loose, permissive, watered down, soft-pedaled mess that is being proclaimed by the mainstream today. The Gospel still delivers wretched maniacs their miserable bondage.. They can then go home to their friends and tell them what "great things the Lord hath done" for them, because salvation really does do something for a man. It most certainly does not give aid and comfort to people who are still under the bondage of sin to continue therein. Yet that is what most of our modern "Gospel" preachers are doing.

The question to you is: What DO you think of the Gospel? Answer yourself in your heart.


Preparing the Soil

Man's duty from the beginning was to till the ground. And the LORD God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it. (Gen 2:15) Even after Adam sinned he was to "till the ground from whence he was taken." The ground is very important The condition of the ground is a very basic thing in the beginning of a new life, but it is almost totally ignored in today's preaching. There isn't much done to prepare the ground before the seed is sown. The seed is, for the most part, just scattered carelessly and recklessly all over the place. Then we quote the verse in Isaiah to ourselves saying, "We know his Word won't return void." Those who practice this kind of ministry need to consider the parable of the sower. The ground made the difference. Our preaching should prepare the ground as well as sow the seed.

Let me show you what I'm talking about. In the parable of the sower, it is very plainly given that the first three were not saved, even though they "received" the Word of God and they were happy and enthusiastic about it for a time. The outstanding thing is that the first three did not endure and stick with it, while the last one did. The first three eventually returned to their former lifestyle, although some endured longer than others. There was no way to distinguish the first three from the last one when they first sprung up; they all looked good. The difference was the condition of the ground from which they sprang.

When a farmer gets ready to plant a crop, the first thing he does is decide which field he is going work first. Then he gets his tools and goes there. He puts the plow in the ground and begins to turn the soil inside out. The plow takes work on his part. The plow breaks open the soil with a force that the soil can't resist. Some ground is harder than other ground, but a determined farmer can take a good plow and break it anyhow. The first thing he must have in his mind is that he intends to plow the field. What a dumb farmer he would be just to drive out in the middle of a field with his pickup truck and get out a bag of seed and start throwing it all over, expecting to reap a harvest in a few months! Yet if you will be honest, you'll have to admit that most of the preaching we hear today is just exactly that.

There are very few today who realize how hard the ground has become. In days gone by, before there was television to brainwash everyone from the time they were old enough to talk, the ground was not as hard simply because of the hardships of life. When people struggled for the necessities of life they were forced to look to God much more than they are now. Then there was the greater influence of the church in those days. In those days when the ground wasn't as hard, there were more who wanted to farm. But now that the ground has become so hard, it seems that a lot of those who used to plow the ground have moved on to other occupations, that depend upon the harvest and have nothing to do with the sowing. All the ministries today are "ministering" to "Christians," and have nothing at all to do with the plowing of the ground. Instead of sowing, many have started selling, moving, and processing the fruit.

Then there are many who are scattering seed on hard ground because they don't realize how hard it is. They don't understand that there have been two or three generations now that have been trained in the religion of humanism by the television and the public schools and they know nothing of the Gospel. They have no idea what you are talking about when you talk about being "washed in the blood" and "being saved." These seed-scattering preachers use the old clichés and methods that are completely without effect on ground that has been covered with thick pavement. Paul took time, one year, three years, in one place expounding the Word of God and plowing the ground trying to sow in order to reap a real harvest. Today's preachers, for the most part are only concerned about seeing the little sprout pop out of the soil, and they claim they have succeeded and done a work for God. But if it withers when the sun comes out, it was a vain work. It was worse than vain, because a good seed was lost. Had the ground been prepared before, that seed might have brought forth "eternal" life, for when a seed brings forth fruit, that fruit carries more seed, which can also bring forth more fruit, with more seeds. After all, Jesus said that our fruit should remain. It is the responsibility of the sower to sow on good ground, and if it needs breaking before he sows, that is part of his job.

What does plowing mean, when we refer to it in this sense? Well, to start with it means breaking open what's on the surface to get to what is underneath. A preacher must realize that everyone has sought for themselves a hiding place and there they have taken refuge. They have a hard crust protecting them that has to be broken before any seed is going to make it to a place in their heart where it has a chance of survival. All people that are hiding are hiding under a false set of beliefs that they have adopted. People who are admittedly lost without God do this, but so do people that sit in the church claiming to be saved. They both need to be dealt with. When the preacher deals with the sinners, almost everyone is on his side, but when he starts dealing with those in the church who are known as "brethren" he hits ground with stumps and rocks everywhere. Everyone here likes that solid ground where the walking is easy. No matter where you plow, though, when you turn over the soil you see all kinds of hidden things. There are worms and grubs, sometimes old bones of dead carcasses, things that have been buried for a long time. Also, the roots of all the weeds that were growing on top of the hard soil are torn out and exposed. But every once in while something good is exposed when the ground is plowed. I've heard of farmers who found gold rings and gold coins that had been lost years before. All these are good reasons for a preacher to put himself to the plow.

In this day when everything must be instant and everything must be big and impressive the simple Gospel and the working of the Holy Spirit of God doesn't get much attention. Today's easy-believism farmers have twelve-row plows so they can cover a lot of ground quickly. The thing is that when the farmer is sitting in his air conditioned cab listening to his stereo he isn't seeing what is under the soil as he turns is over. Now farmers practice more and more of what is called "no-till" farming. They have a "drill" that covers several rows and all it does is punch a hole in the hard ground and drop a seed in it. That may work for a crop of wheat or corn sometimes, but it doesn't work in God's field. Sure, it's a lot easier to work that way, but the harvest is surely not what we want it to be. God didn't invent twelve-row plows and giant tractors. God made horses and mules. When a man is plowing with a horse he has a plow with only one blade and the work is certainly harder, but he sees everything that is under the soil when it is turned up and he also appreciates the harvest much more. His mind is on plowing and not the music on his stereo.

There are others that carry a bag of seed with them wherever they go and they just throw out a handful here and there as they go, yet they claim to be farmers. It mostly falls on pavement and concrete. This is by the wayside. When a farmer sows he can't help but lose a little by the wayside and some WILL fall in the stony ground, and among thorns, that is inevitable. But to go about purposely sowing ALL the seed by the wayside is really not very wise. It is like the farmer going out to the field in his pickup truck and just throwing the seed all over the place, then coming back in three months expecting a tall, even stand of corn in rows and yielding one hundred bushels per acre. It simply doesn't happen that way. Everyone delights in the fruit, but very few stop to think as they enjoy a nice meal of cornbread and beans that someone had to labor and sweat and toil to get them to their table. It is much easier to truck fruit and vegetables and to sell them than it is to grow them.

We also need to keep in mind that the seed is precious. It isn't a thing of little value, but rather a most precious treasure. It surely must be displeasing to God when we carelessly cast such a priceless pearl before swine and they trample it under their feet. This is not the work of the Gospel, and it is not what God commands us to do. When Jesus said, "Go ye unto all the world," I feel pretty certain this isn't what he had in mind. He even likened a man who puts "his hand to the plow" as someone entering into the kingdom of heaven. (Luke 9:62) I think he means for us to plow the ground AND sow the seed.

What I am saying is that the real work of the Gospel is ONE man crying in the wilderness, ONE voice proclaiming righteousness, ONE man doing what he's called to do, ONE MAN faithful and true. It is ONE man working with ONE plow in a CERTAIN field. It isn't a corporation with many tractors and many twelve-row plows mass producing a crop. There are many places that such equipment just won't work, but a determined farmer can scratch out a harvest, even if it is a small one, in a most desolate place. The heart has always been and still is very hard ground; it is still deceitful and desperately wicked and it can only be broken by the power of the Gospel plow, and that plow must have a very determined and prepared man firmly gripping the handles.


Spurgeon on Repentance

"Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord." - Acts 3:19


The expression used in the text, "blotted out," in the original may be better explained in this way. Many Oriental merchants kept their accounts on little tablets of wax. On these tablets of wax, they indented marks which recorded the debts, and when these debts were paid, they took the blunt end of the stylus or pencil, and just flattened down the wax, and the account entirely disappeared. That was the form of "blotting out" in those days. Now, he that repents and is pardoned, is, through the precious blood of Christ, so entirely forgiven, that there is no record of his sin left. It is as though the stylus had leveled the marks in the wax, and there was no record left. What a beautiful picture of the forgiveness of sin! It is all gone, not a trace left. If we blot out an account from our books, there is the blot: the record is gone, but there is the blot; but on the wax tablet there was no blot - it was all gone, and the wax was smooth. So is it with the sin of God's people when removed by Jesus' blood, it is all gone and gone for ever. But rest assured it cannot be removed except there be repentance and conversion as the result of faith in Jesus. This must be so, for this is most seemly. Would you expect a great king to forgive an erring courtier unless the offender first confessed his fault? Where is the honour and dignity of the throne of God, if men are to be pardoned while as yet they will not confess their sin? In the next place, it would not be moral; it would be pulling up the very sluices of immorality to tell men that they could be pardoned while they went on in their sins and loved them. What, a thief pardoned and continue to thieve! A harlot forgiven and remain unchaste! The drunkard forgiven and yet delight in his tankards! Truly, then, the gospel would be the servant of unrighteousness, and against us who preach it morality should make a law. But it is not so, impenitent sinners shall be damned, let them boast what they will about grace. My hearer, thou must hate thy sin, or God will hate thee. Thou must turn or burn. Thou canst not have thy sins and go to heaven. Which shall it be? Wilt thou leave thy sins and go to heaven, or hold thy sins and go to hell? Which shall it be, for it must be one or the other; there must be a divorce between us and sin, or there cannot be a marriage between us and Christ. Does not conscience tell us this? There is not a conscience here that will say to a man, "You can hope to be saved and yet live as you list." Some have said this - I query if any have believed it. No, no, no, blind as conscience is, and though its voice be often very feeble, yet there is enough of sight about conscience to see that continuance in sin and pardon cannot consist, and that there must be a forsaking of iniquity if there is to be a forgiving of it. But, my hearer, whether your conscience shall say so or not, God says it; "He that confesseth and forsaketh his sin shall find mercy," but there is no promise for the unrepenting. God declares that he that repents shall be forgiven. "To this man will I look, even to him that is poor and of a contrite spirit, and trembleth at my word;" but for haughty Pharaoh, who says, "Who is the Lord, that I should obey him?" there is nothing but eternal destruction from the presence of the Lord. He who goeth on in his iniquity and hardeneth his neck, shall suddenly be destroyed, and that without remedy. Ah! I have no pardons to preach to you who settle your minds to continue in sin, no gentle notes of love at all, nothing but a fearful looking for of judgment and of fiery indignation. But ah! if you loathe your sins, if God's Holy Spirit has made you hate your past lives, if you are anxious to be made new men in Christ Jesus, I have nothing but notes of love for you. Believe in Jesus, cast yourself on him, for he has said, "Him that cometh unto me I will in no wise cast out." "Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool." The door is shut and fast bolted to every man who will keep his sin, but it is wide open even to the biggest sinner out of hell, if he will but leave his sin and lay hold of Jesus and put his trust in him.

Delivered on Lord's-Day Morning, April 5th, 1868, by C.H. SPURGEON, At the Metropolitan Tabernacle, Newington.


The Great Escape

Since the Garden of Eden men have been seeking a way to escape the responsibility for their sin. The first words out of Adam's mouth when confronted with his sin by God, were, " … the woman which THOU gavest me…" as if to blame God, because He had given him the woman. What an outrageous thing to lay to God's charge! Certainly, sin DOES make a man depraved! Man is not a sinner because he is depraved, but he is depraved because he is a sinner. That is a truth that is almost universally rejected by the human race. The common ground that all the cults and all the denominations can come together on is that man's sin is ultimately God's fault because He made us the way we are. Russelites believe it, Mormons believe it, the Catholics invented it, and all the Baptists, Pentecostals, Methodists, Presbyterians, Campbellites, and every other tribe and clique clings to it dearly, and are willing to stand together against anyone who dares to challenge this most precious doctrine. According to them it isn't all the evil we have done since we were old enough to choose that makes us guilty, but the fact that we were born guilty because of what someone we never knew did 6,000 years ago. We got something from Adam all right, but it wasn't guilt for his sin. What we got from him was a lesson and an example on how to shrug responsibility for our own sin. Eve was the first human to follow Adam's example when she said, "The serpent beguiled me…" Then it was the devil's turn and even the devil himself wasn't brazen enough to try to blame someone else for what he did.

Any preacher should realize, after preaching and dealing with people for a while, that men are still busy trying to blame their sin on someone, or something besides themselves. The core of the preacher's responsibility in preaching the Gospel is to get people to be honest with God and themselves about their sin, and quit making excuses for themselves. He must bring them face to face with their sin and leave them no escape to justify themselves in their wicked lifestyle. Yet the most prominent and talked about doctrines of our modern Christianity are all designed to just the opposite end. When just about any professing Christian is confronted with something in their life that isn't right, they immediately say one of two or three things: "Well, I'm not perfect, just forgiven." Or they will say, "Well, we all have that sinful nature, you know, and we are going to sin every day, no matter what, we just can't help it, and 'if you say you have no sin, you are a liar'." Then they might say, "Well, it's the old flesh, I just can't control it sometimes, but my inner man is right with God. After all, it's not what's on the outside, but what's on the inside that counts." What it amounts to is dividing ourselves up into two or three separate parts and blaming all the evil on one. It is like the child who invents an imaginary playmate and then blames all his mischief on this imaginary person. Oh yes, that IS the way it is. When we stand before God, we will not stand there as three persons, body, soul, and spirit - we will stand there as ONE person and we will give account of the deeds we have done in THIS body. God will NOT accept these silly excuses that we are using among ourselves to justify our sin.

Every preacher who gives excuses to people to continue in sin is going to give an account to God, and heavy is hanging over his head for taking so lightly the matter of the Gospel and value of men’s souls. It is pure poison that makes reprobates out of those who drink it down. The question is, WHY do men cling to, and defend these particular doctrines so vehemently? Years ago Christians got their dander up when it came to liquor and adultery, but now most are pretty passive about those things. If you really want to raise their blood pressure, just challenge them on their permissive, watered down version of the Gospel. Just try to corner them for their sin and make them the responsible party. You’ll find out what they are willing to fight for. They are willing to fight for the right to continue in their sin and not have some "holier-than-thou" preacher bothering them about it.

Why would a preacher of the Gospel and a representative of Christ stand in defense of sin and preach things that the people take as an excuse to sin? Without a doubt some do it to cover the sin in their own lives; some are deceived; and some are simply false prophets. There are some who are good men, who live holy lives themselves, but simply don’t realize that their message is being received this way by many of the people. They can’t consider the possibility that most of their church members are lost, and neither are they willing to bear the persecution that comes for standing against anything that goes against what most of the "brethren" believe, because it means that they will be ostracized and talked about, probably branded as a heretic. They would be in good company, because the prophets suffered the same thing, Jesus did, all the apostles did, and almost every man who ever stepped out and made a difference and was used by God suffered the loss of the respect and admiration of the "brethren." But God vindicated THEM and uncovered the slanders of the "brethren" for us to see who was approved by God.

Why don't we have revival in our day? Why do we see such wickedness in the churches? Why can't we see anyone get saved and stick with it anymore? Why do you hear of preachers and men in the church running off with women and molesting children, and other such ungodliness? The answers to all these questions can be found, to a large extent, in the subject we are addressing here. Sure, there are some other factors involved also, but this is the root of the problem. When God's men get back to calling sin what it REALLY IS, and preaching repentance the way it REALLY IS; when they quit preaching EXCUSES to sin, and quit calling everyone who prays a sinner's prayer "as saved as the Apostle Paul"; when they start proclaiming righteousness and demanding true repentance, and leaving no ESCAPE except to boldly stand against Christ and the Gospel, then and ONLY THEN will there be any hope for any kind of revival in the churches of God. 


This One Was NOT a CARNAL Christian …

In the year 1542, Brother Leonard Bernkop was apprehended for the faith, at Salzburg. Much was tried to induce him to apostatize, but as he steadfastly persevered in the narrow way of the truth of God, and there was no hope that he would apostatize, they condemned him to death, led him out to the place of execution, and built a fire close to him, at which they immediately roasted him; but he adhered firmly to the Lord, and said to the bloodhounds and executioners: "This side is roasted enough; turn me around, and scorch and roast also the other; for through the power of God this suffering is insignificant in comparison with the eternal." Rom. 8:18. Thus he gained the victory … he gave his body to be roasted and executed by fire, which could in no wise separate him from the love of God (Rom. 8:39), hence he, … together with all conquerors in the faith, who have come out of great tribulation, shall have his mouth filled with laughter, and his tongue with praise, and shall sing the new song with the servants of God, and the song of the Lamb, yea, he shall forever behold the Almighty God. Rev. 15:2; 7:14; 14:3. I Cor. 13:12.

- Martyr's Mirror


"If you make people think they're thinking, they'll love you; but if you really make them think, they'll hate you."


Hudson Taylor on the Lordship of Christ

"How are we going to treat the Lord Jesus Christ [he wrote under deep conviction] with regard to this last command? (The Great Commission) Shall we definitely drop the title "Lord" as applied to Him? Shall we take the ground that we are quite willing to recognize Him as our Saviour, as far as the penalty of sin is concerned, but are not prepared to own ourselves 'bought with a price,' or Christ as having claim to our unquestioning obedience?

How few of the Lord's people have practically recognized the truth that Christ is either Lord of all or He is not Lord at all! If we can judge God's Word, instead of being judged by it, if we can give God as much or as little as we like, then we are lords and He the indebted one, to be grateful for our dole and obliged by our compliance with His wishes. If on the other hand He is Lord, let us treat Him as such. 'Why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?'"

- from Hudson Taylor's Spiritual Secret


Midway Bible Baptist Camps 1997

Primary and Junior Camp - July 7-11

Teen Camp - July 14-18

Family Camp Meeting - August 4-8


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Provoking Thoughts is a publication of

Midway Bible Baptist Church, P.O. Box 419, Fishersville, VA 22939.

Midway Bible Baptist Church

Pastor: 540-943-3064
Church: 540-943-1678

Pastor Owen
OR Bro. Mike Miller


Midway Bible Baptist Church
P.O. Box 419
Fishersville, Virginia 22939

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